Join us for World Ocean Day on Sunday, June 4! Dive into the work Frost Science and local conservationists are doing to save our coral reefs, protect our coastlines and raise awareness about the importance of clean, healthy oceans. You’ll hear from some amazing scientists about marine animals and plants, cleaning plastic from the oceans and much more.
World Ocean Day programming is free with paid museum admission.
**Special Downtown Miami Resident Promotion** On behalf of the Miami DDA, residents of Downtown Miami will receive a 10% discount on purchases at the Science Store. Promotion is valid with a photo ID showing a Downtown Miami zip code. *Applicable Zip Codes: 33128, 33130, 33131, 33132, 33136, 33137 (Offer is valid for non-members only.)
Presented by:

Supported by Florida Prepaid:

Live Shows
Undersea Chemistry – 12:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m.
Ocean Gallery Stage, Power of Science, Level 1
Breaking news! The ocean is becoming more acidic. What does this mean for corals and other wildlife? Get all the details at this live stage show in the Ocean Gallery.
Programming Schedule
Constellation Culinary Group
Food@Science Area
You’ve heard about lionfish as an invasive species, but what about as a cooking ingredient? Now is your chance – stop by to taste-test a lionfish snack!
Miami-Dade Public Library System
Ocean Gallery
Summer is a great time to dive into reading! Swim on over to learn about the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge, sign up for a library card, make an ocean-themed craft, and see what’s new and fun for you at Miami-Dade Public Libraries.
The Florida Aquarium
Ocean Gallery
Explore how the Florida Aquarium protects, produces, cares for and restores Florida’s coral reefs through research and conservation action.
Frost Science Educators
Ocean Gallery
Choosing sustainable seafood at the grocery store can be tricky, and Frost Science educators are here to help. Play a game to learn how you can help the ocean through your dinner order.
Frost Science Biological Programs
Come meet Frost Science’s animal caretakers and conservation staff to learn about what the Museum does to protect and celebrate the ocean. Have a fish question? This is your chance to stump an aquarist!
Miami-Dade County Sea Turtle Conservation Program
2nd Floor Terrace
Come face-to-face with real sea turtle shells and skulls, then try your luck at life as a sea turtle hatchling.
Ocean Rescue Alliance International
2nd Floor Terrace
Swim through the ocean in virtual reality and play a coral species matching game to learn about these reef-building animals.
Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
2nd Floor Terrace
Virginia Key Beach Park has an important history as Miami’s first beach for communities of color. Learn about the story of the park’s past and its ecology today, as well as how you can help keep it clean and free of invasive plants and animals.
Rescue a Reef program
2nd Floor Terrace
See and touch the tools of coral reef restoration, play coral-themed Jenga, and help build a LEGO Frost Science coral reef as you explore actions you can take to protect local reefs.
Blue Scholars Initiative
3rd Floor Terrace
Get hands-on with a 3D “EnviroScape” model to reveal the path trash takes through our watershed and its impacts on the ocean.
Debris Free Oceans
3rd Floor Terrace
Microplastics are definitely not fantastic! See some of the plastic debris collected from beach cleanups, and learn how you can help keep the ocean trash-free.
The International SeaKeepers Society
3rd Floor Terrace
Observe samples from local microscopic marine ecosystems and discover how human actions influence the tiny organisms, like plankton, that power watery worlds.
Miami Dade Reef Guard Association
3rd Floor Terrace
Take a (virtual) dive into Miami’s underwater ecosystem, then tackle a challenge question about what you’ve learned. Will you walk away with a medal?
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
4th Floor Terrace
Make the most of your recreational time with the latest boat safety tips and information on fishing regulations in Biscayne Bay!
Miami Waterkeeper
4th Floor Terrace
Perform water quality testing and learn how Miami’s waterkeeper makes our waterways and ocean swimmable, drinkable and fishable.
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
4th Floor Terrace
Meet representatives from the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and hear how to keep yourself and the environment safe on the water.
4th Floor Terrace
Build your own coastline, then send a big wave its way to test how coral reefs help protect our shores from storms.
UF/IFAS Extension & Florida Sea Grant Miami-Dade County
4th Floor Terrace
Experience life as a coral polyp, and discover how tiny photosynthesizing algae called zooxanthellae keep corals healthy and well fed.
Marine Environmental Education Center – NSU
4th Floor Terrace
Florida is home to five species of sea turtle. Learn how to identify them and play sea turtle trivia to test your knowledge.
Florida Atlantic University Marine Lab
4th Floor Terrace
Become a marine biologist as you examine shark teeth and turtle shells and skulls.
SECORE International
5th Floor Wetlab
Meet some of the researchers collaborating with Frost Science to study how we can best raise and care for corals, and bring them back to the wild.