Are you ready for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8? We hope you plan to celebrate it at Frost Science! We have several exciting events happening here at the museum the weekend before the eclipse as well as during the big moment. While Miami isn’t in the path of totality—where viewers will see the Moon completely block out the Sun—we will be able to experience a partial eclipse between 1:48 and 4:13 p.m. on Monday, April 8.
Can’t make it to the museum on a weekday? We’re here for you! On April 6-7 we will host a Solar Eclipse Weekend. Guests to the museum will learn more about the science and history of eclipses through interactive educational activities and a special Frost Planetarium show. On the day of the eclipse, April 8, we will have all the same activities as well as solar viewing telescopes set up in the Knight Plaza. Come safely see the Sun up close alongside our experts!
Whatever option you choose, don’t forget to have your solar eclipse viewing glasses ready. Ticket holders for April 8 will receive a free pair! If you have proper viewing glasses from the last eclipse, or if you want to reuse them in the future, they are still safe as long as they aren’t damaged, scratched, punctured or torn.
If you can’t wait until eclipse weekend, join us for our live Frost Planetarium show, “The Great American Eclipses,” which runs throughout the month of March. You can catch the show nearly every day of the week, from Monday through Saturday, at 1:30 p.m.
Finally, classical music enthusiasts will be excited to hear that we are partnering with Miami’s Alhambra Orchestra to provide a free, 75-minute public “Out of this World” solar eclipse concert on April 7. Hear the live orchestra playing songs from space-themed movies against a backdrop of planets, moons, black holes and galaxies at the Dennis C. Moss Cultural Arts Center. Concert tickets are free, but must be reserved in advance. Click here to learn more and secure tickets.
Can’t get enough astronomy content? Frost Science will host a free, after-hours gathering in the Frost Planetarium on Friday, April 19 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. to share stories, photos, and unique fulldome videos from the April 8 total solar eclipse. RSVP here to share your photos and stories with our team and reserve your seat. Admission to the event does not include museum admission. Museum exhibitions close at 6:00 p.m.
We can’t wait to see you at Frost Science to celebrate the solar eclipse! Want to learn more about eclipses? Check out these resources from the American Astronomical Society and NASA.